I know that “love” is a strong word, but “Katie Likes Beer” didn’t seem like a strong enough blog name.

I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to blogging or homebrewing, so this is clearly going to be awesome.

That said, I enjoy beer, and I’d like to think I’m a fairly proficient writer. I also enjoy things that aren’t boring. So, that’s the basic premise I’m going with. There will be random content.

This blog is also (mostly) supposed to be about venturing into homebrewing. 🙂


  • Lagers and Ales
  • Stouts, Porters, and Bocks
  • Belgians (the people too, I suppose)
  • Pumpkin beers
  • Strong and boozy types
  • Light types too, if done well
  • Monks and goats on beer labels
  • Neighborhood pubs (kickoffannex)
  • Other people who like beer (don’t trust anyone who doesn’t drink)
  • Collecting glasswear and beer shirts


  • IPAs (However, I find DIPAs more palatable)
  • Overly-hoppy, or bitter beers (what’s wrong with you people)
  • Pale ales (apparently too hoppy)
  • Shitty conglomerate beer (you know what I’m talking about)
  • Anything reminiscent of cat pee
  • Oktoberfest events that lack German beer
  • Pretentious bullshit
  • Cold weather

If they don’t drink, don’t trust them. They obviously have something to hide.

– Katie

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