Quick update to follow the Oisin homebrew post. Like last time, there's a decent amount of room from the top of the pail (although I'm more optimistic about getting closer to the target yield). So, again, I didn't get to observe any fun action with the blow-off hose or airlock. I hear it's exciting, but..
Rant: Fly Sparging vs “Brew in a Bag”
I've read recipes that say to "fly sparge 75 C (168 F)". I didn't know what that was (or why there's a sudden temperature jump up), so I consulted the book and some online resources. Here is an excerpt from the homebrewers association, which is sourcing "How to Brew": However, fly sparging takes considerable time..
Joy-Killing Research
So, I might have been able to do this way earlier if I'd just ordered another 1-Gallon yield recipe to suit the equipment I'd acquired for the small-batch operation. But I'm stubborn. A replacement recipe kit (a mix) from the same company was reasonably priced (approx $16), but the shipping was atrocious (think over $40)...